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  • Surviving Seniors

Caregivers of the Elderly Bill of Rights

We don't need to tell you what a toll caregiving takes on a person - you are living it. There are so many emotional highs and lows, so many sacrifices, so much worry over whether or not you're doing the right thing for this person who has come to depend on you so much. We're just here to implore you to work just as hard at taking care of yourself. This work is HARD, and often goes without the benefit of recognition, emotionally or financially. We're here to tell you that we see you, and we know you're doing your level best in a very difficult situation.

So we're going to just leave this Caregivers (of the elderly) Bill of Rights right here. We hope you bookmark it, or print it out and look at it whenever you need to remember that you have to take care of yourself before you take care of anyone else, even if that means just taking a few minutes to breathe and remind yourself that you also have needs, and they matter just as much.


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