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Welcome to the Sh*t Show!

Hi, we’re Nancy Casey and Jen Coughlin, friends bonded over a striking similarity between our mothers and our relationships with them. We started swapping stories about our parents, which oftentimes left us crying...with laughter. Surely there are others like us out there, just trying to find some light in a dark situation.  We're here to let you know that you're not crazy, ungrateful or otherwise a bad person if you are struggling with your elders.

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Nancy Casey


I am a family nurse practitioner with a dysfunctional family of origin who loves entertaining people with crazy and relatable family stories. As a literal caregiver myself, I'm able to provide practical support for people in the trenches of eldercare. Jen and I are excited to be going through this with all of you. 

Jen Coughlin


I'm a writer, still processing my Gen-x childhood while figuring out care for my aging parents. My role in that is more support the support person, as my sister mostly cares for them while I live on the other side of the country. Mostly, I try to make her laugh to help her through the many parts of this that are so not funny. Now, with Nancy, I hope to do that for a wider audience.

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